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会员动态丨协会副会长单位——国泰君安荣获The Asset杂志评选中国区最佳私募基金托管机构奖、最佳另类投资基金行政外包机构奖

来源:国泰君安托管与外包公众号      发布时间:2019/6/3 10:07:26     点击率:5174

2019年5月29日,The Asset杂志主办的 “AAA资产服务、机构投资者和保险大奖”评选,在结束投票后公布了获奖名单。



On May 29, 2019, The Asset announced the winners of The Asset Triple A Asset Servicing, Institutional Investor and Insurance Awards after the vote.

Guotai Junan Securities was honored with ‘Best Custodian(China), Private Funds’ and ‘Best in Fund Administration(China), Alternatives – Private Funds’. Guotai Junan Securities is the only domestic securities company that has won these awards for two consecutive years.


经过The Asset杂志评选组为期三个多月的业务访谈、专家评审和买方调研,国泰君安证券资产托管与基金行政外包业务以长期优秀的业绩和在WFOE 领域良好的服务口碑赢得了专业评委的一致认可。

After more than three months’ interviews, peer review, buy-side investigation by The Asset, Guotai Junan Securities has won unanimous recognition from professional judges for its long-term outstanding performance and good reputation in WFOE services.

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As a pioneer of the market, Guotai Junan Securities focuses on providing global asset management institutions with full services of asset custody and fund administration services, concentrating on developing professional service projects and advanced service models and committing to helping business partners to achieve leap-forward growth and sustained and steady development.


Our dedicated team is committed to provide one-stop services for mutual funds, private funds and other asset managers. With first-class custody and fund administration services, we create a secure, stable, accurate and efficient business environment for our clients.



Guotai Junan Securities has always been implementing international development strategy and is the first one in the industry to setup a dedicated WFOE operation service team which meets the operational requirements for the world-class asset management institutions from the aspects of operational services, hardware and software facilities, value-added services, institutional collaboration. Up to now, Guotai Junan Securities has launched business cooperation with more than ten foreign asset managers such as Man Group, Aberdeen Standard, AXA, Nomura, Value Partners, and leads the industry in assets under custody and fund administration of WFOE private funds.


In March this year, Guotai Junan Securities passed the ISAE3402 certification again and became the first custodian and operation outsourcing service institution in the mainland to pass the ISAE3402 international certification for four consecutive years. It not only indicates that Guotai Junan Securities has reached the international level in terms of internal control, safety control, operational efficiency and service quality, but also shows that Guotai Junan Securities pays great attention to the establishment of an efficient and sound asset custody and operation outsourcing service system.


The Asset杂志是亚洲顶尖的财经月刊,注重内部研究、深入分析和提供真知灼见,帮助受众理解亚洲地区领先的企业融资和资金管理方式,为亚洲财经决策层提升运营效率。自2010年起,The Asset杂志“AAA资产服务、 机构投资者和保险大奖”已连续举办10届,已成为亚洲地区投资和托管能力的标杆奖项,它也是唯一一个评估买方机构(投资者和基金经理)和卖方服务提供商(托管人、基金管理人、证券贷款代理、过渡经理等)对亚洲动态资产服务行业进行全面评估的奖项。


The Asset is the leading monthly financial magazine in Asia focusing on internal research, in-depth analysis and providing insights to help its readers to understand the leading corporate financing and fund management methods in Asia and to enhance operational efficiency for Asian financial decision-makers. Since 2010, The Asset has held The Asset Triple A Asset Servicing, Institutional Investor and Insurance Awards for ten consecutive years. It has become a benchmark award for investment and custody in Asia. It is also the only award that evaluates the buyer's overall assessment of the Dynamic Asset Services Industry in Asia and also the only award that evaluates the comprehensive assessment of the Dynamic Asset Services Industry in Asia by both buy-side institutions (investors and asset managers) and sell-side service providers (custodians, fund administrators, securities lending agents, transition managers and etc.).